This is an upavasa fasting chart for Ánanda Márga upavása with ekádashii, and amávasyá (new moon)
and púrńimá (full moon) dates.
Look up any upavasa fasting days, any year, from any location using any time zone and locale (date
Add fasting dates to your calendar (Google Calendar, Outlook Calendar, Office 365 Calendar, Android
Calendar and iOS Calendar).
Choose your desired definition of sunrise (astronomical dawn, nautical dawn, civil dawn, top of sun
peeks above horizon or sun at center of horizon). You can also use this feature if you are very far
north, or very far south, adjusting the sunrise to happen closer to the actual morning. For example,
in the winter of the far north, certain types of sunrise never occur. In that case the calculator is
using the sun's lowest position as the sunrise, which will be near midnight. Another definition of
sunrise may still occur. So you can adjust the calendar settings of Day Start, and turn on Show
Tithi Details, and see which start of the day to use. This may make the breaking of fast occur at a
practically possible time after sunrise in some cases.
Automatically updated - this calendar doesn't depend on someone else hosting a website, or updating
the calendar
There is no need to use another website or API for the astronomical calculations
Embeddable - you can put this calendar on your website (see Share)
Downloadable - you can download this calendar - so that you can use it without an internet
connection or if github will no longer be free and this website might disappear (see Share)
Free hosting - this calendar is free as long as GitHub is free
Far sighted - all information is attempted to be saved in this project, if any of the linked
websites will go down in the future
Using scientific astronomical calculation libraries
One source of complete truth - since there are many fasting dates around, the full source of truth
here is fully transparent and defined.
Collaborative and interpersonal project. Anyone can continue, change or reimplement this project by
using the git code. Now or far into the future. (This does not suggest a free licence).
A user has created an Android version of this project: